MGF (Mechano Growth Factor)

MGF Questions

What is MGF (Mechano Growth Factor)?
How much MGF should be used?
How long should MGF be used?

What is MGF (Mechano Growth Factor)?

MGF (also known as IGF-1Ec) is a splice variant of the IGF gene which increases stem cell count in the muscle and allows for muscle fibers to fuse and mature. This is a process required for the growth of adult muscle.  MGF is produced naturally when muscle fibers are broken down through resistance (weight training). MGF stimulates muscle growth, creates new muscle fibers, promotes muscle recovery, promotes nitrogen retention and increases protein synthesis.

In studies where MGF was administered intramuscularly, there was a 20% increase in the weight of the injected muscle fibers within 2 weeks. In further studies, it took 4 months for IGF to cause a 25% increase in muscle mass. MGF was found to be more potent than IGF-1 in rapid muscle growth. Fat loss and strength increases are not typically seen with MGF’s use (as they are with IGF-1 use).

How much MGF should be used?

Studies have suggested the following:
A typical protocol would be:
100-300mcg of MGF divided into 1-2 bilateral administrations in 2-5 different areas of the muscles approximately 5-7 days a week – intramuscular injections.

Example, if you want to administer 200mcg of MGF into the chest and biceps muscles 2 times a day and 3 different areas of the muscle then you would need to divided the dose as follows:

200mcg / 2 times per day = 100mcg per administration
100mcg per administration / 4 muscles (2 chest and 2 bicep muscles) = 25mcg per muscle
25mcg per muscle / 3 different locations on each muscle = 8.3mcg per injection

Theoretically, the more locations used to administer the MGF into the muscle the more places for muscle growth.

Studies have also suggested the following:
Administration should not be given within 2 hours after training in order not to reduce natural IGF-1 production.

Administration should not be given within 2 hours before sleeping in order not to reduce natural growth hormone production.

After administering, adequate protein needs to be ingested for MGF to be effective in building new muscle.

How to reconstitute MGF?

MGF is typically manufactured in 2mg amounts and is reconstituted with sterile water.
– If 2ml (2 full – 1 ml U-100 insulin syringe) of sterile water is added to the vial then each unit of the syringe will equal 10mcg.
– If the syringe is filled up to 10 units (up to the number 10 on the syringe) it will equal 100mcg of MGF.

How long should MGF be used?

In most studies on MGF no adverse side effects were reported with use for 4-8 weeks (per the dosage limits in the above answer) followed by 4 weeks of non-use.